This service is offered at the Priority Care Center, 2316 Harrison Avenue, Eureka.

“Being able to come see my coach and discuss my goals, challenges,
and motivators helped me improve my quality of life and health.”

Learn more about Wellness Coaching at the Priority Care Center

What is Wellness Coaching?- YouTube

Health and Wellness Educational Videos

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Refer to the Program

IPA Priority Care Center: Wellness Referral 

What is wellness coaching?

Coaching is a nonjudgmental partnership between you and your coach. You and your coach will discover doable, creative, and realistic ways for you to meet your health and wellness goals. Rather than tell you what to do, coaches focus on what is important to you.

Wellness Coaching sessions:

During the first session, your coach will listen to what goals are important to you, what barriers you face to meeting them, and start working with you to create steps to achieve your goals.

Follow-up sessions typically include goal review and creative brainstorming to keep you on track, and can even include learning how to exercise with health conditions you may have. Your wellness coach is a part of your Priority Care team and can help coordinate and bridge communication gaps between medical providers.

About our coaches

Coaches at the Priority Care Center are a unique combination of health educators, personal trainers, and lifestyle change coaches so that they can provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to be successful. Coaches work with your team, which can include nurses, a diabetes educator, a mental health counselor, and your doctor(s).

Workshops and Exercise Classes

  • Group Exercise Classes
  • Smoking Cessation and Support Groups
  • Guided Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Group Education Classes
  • Cooking Classes
  • And much more…


Click Here to see the event calendar

 patientsuccessPatient Success Story

Male, Age 77

Initial weight- 235 pounds
Current weight- 188
Initial BMI- 34.7
Current BMI-27.8 

This patient began working with a Priority Care Center Wellness Coach/Personal Trainer in May 2015 when his doctor referred him to the program. Initially, he was very sedentary and was experiencing poor balance. He was on two hypertensive medications and was eating a convenience based diet. He and his coach started working on his wellness vision which included feeling safer in his home, walking again, learning how to eat and cook, getting off of his blood pressure medication, and avoiding any future obesity related illnesses. Early on, he came in to meet his coach every two weeks to practice reading labels, identify appropriate serving sizes for him, and to brainstorm healthier alternatives. He would also meet with his coach to work on an exercise routine to improve strength and balance. Now, he meets with his coach once a month to check-in and stay on track. He has improved his stamina and is now able to walk 150+ minutes per week through the hills of Eureka! He has been taken off of one of his hypertensive medications and is tapering off another. With a 20% decrease in his initial weight, he has reduced his risk for certain diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems, and certain cancers.