Episode 4 – Freedom Through the Outdoors

Humboldt Healthcast
Humboldt Healthcast
Episode 4 - Freedom Through the Outdoors

Hear more about our local trails and what biking can offer you.


Humboldt Area Foundation – Humboldt Bay Trail Fund (https://www.hafoundation.org/Giving/Give-Now?fn=Humboldt+Bay+Trail+Fund)

Volunteer Trail Stewards Program (https://humtrails.org/volunteer/)

Humboldt Trails Council (www.humtrails.org)

National Resources Services (http://www.naturalresourcesservices.org/)

Need a Bike?  Check out the Bike Kitchen in Eureka (https://www.facebook.com/EurekaBikeKitchen, The Community Bike Kitchen has restarted modified open hours Tuesday & Wednesday from 6-8pm and Saturday 2-4pm. Founded in 2013, the Bike Kitchen provides tools, resources and knowledgeable mechanics to empower residents to maintain and repair bicycles.)