This service is offered at the Priority Care Center, 2316 Harrison Avenue, Eureka.

Shared Decision Making provides patients access to accurate and easy to understand booklets called Decision Aids and Coaching services specific to their condition.  Our goal is to help patients understand all of their care choices, so they and their provider can choose the option that is best for them. The Coaching services and Decision Aids are free and available to all patients.

Shared Decision Making Referral Form for Providers

Decision aids and coaching are available for the following:

Watch the video below to learn about Shared Decision Making

Patients can self-refer by calling Priority Care Center at 707-442-0478


Shared Decision Making in the News

GRAY MATTERS: Shared decision-making center to open in fall (7-22-2014)
The top recommendation from a community report addressing North Coast surgery rates that more than double the rest of the state on some elective procedures will come to fruition in early fall with the opening of a shared decision-making center in Eureka.
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