Gaining Acceptance
“I have learned to be patient with my ability to not be able to do the things I used to do.” – Art R.Growing Self-Esteem
“The biggest improvement I saw in myself was my self-esteem! I am putting myself 1st and that is the most important thing I can do for myself!” – Sandy B.Learning Tools
“We both learned a lot about relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, guided imagery, and a weekly action plan to encourage us to do things that help improve our health.” – Hank and Donna L.

“I’ve always been apprehensive about the quality of care . . . Pathways taught us how to ask for help, talk to providers, and keep a journal – and not just live in misery.” – David E.

Getting More Positive
“Before finding ‘Pathways’ I was at a very low, disturbing place with my new condition in life. In just 6 short weeks, ‘Pathways’ showed me the tools to bring myself back to the positive side of life.” – Stephanie

“My ongoing chore is thinking positive. I always thought I did, but realize I get upset with people talking on their cell phones, not having their lights on in the rain, etc. – all negative thoughts. I don’t think I will ever totally change this, but I will improve.” – Martha H.

Making Advance Directives
“I… have changed my advance directive for health care after studying the information provided. I had my children named as agents and have changed it to friends as agents. That way, my children don’t have to worry about it when times are upsetting.” – Martha H.

Getting to Chronically Well
“I came into this six-week program a death-fearing, self-pitying, chronically ill person. Now I am mainly CHRONICALLY WELL!” – Eunice N.

Managing Pain
“Before doing a breathing exercise I was in a lot of pain; when we were done…I noticed that the pain was gone. I felt great for a while. I got as much out of this six-week class as I got out of the 18 months I was in a pain management group.” – Donna L.

Stabilizing Emotions
“I have multiple chronic conditions…, and a lot of mood swings, and feel this program [helps] stabilize my mood swings.” – Mitchell P.

Getting Physically Active
“The class has helped stimulate me into continuing with my aerobic exercise. For six months, I’ve been unable to get serious about it. Then, I set my action plan to exactly how long and how many times per week I would exercise. Knowing I would have to report on my progress really pushed me to complete my goal.” – Peggy W.

“As a caregiver for my husband and mother, I had put my own life and health on hold. I am now walking one hour 6 days a week…[M]any areas of my life need improvement, and now with an action plan, my life will move in a positive direction – a step at a time.” – Sharon C.

Solving Problems
This class has been a benefit to me in getting me to understand that it can be helpful to discuss problems and concerns with other people and get feedback on possible solutions.” – Jack W.

“Having the support of peers also facing chronic health problems is very helpful and motivating, and when we problem-solve as a group, important and practical tips given by participants can be applied to problems in a non-threatening way.” – Jane S.

Expanding Our World
“[Pathways] helped me to realize that circumstance cannot always be chosen, but reactions to them can be. I learned that it is important to not let myself be completely defined by people and things out of my control.” – Sage G.

Setting Goals
I learned… to make small achievable goals to set myself up for success rather than failure. If I am going to lose this weight, I have to keep things positive and block out any negative that I hear from anyone.” – Sandy B.

Health and Happiness
“I, Donovan…, will be more positive on the outlook on my life, following the steps in the Pathways to Health message I have been taught, to gain a happier life.” – Donovan T.

Managing Stress
“We learned how to achieve the relaxation response and the importance of making it a part of our day.” – Marcia B.